Mitia Duerinckx
Personal Homepage
Welcome to my homepage.

I am an F.R.S.-FNRS Research Associate at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). From May 2023, my research is supported by the ERC Starting Grant "Scaling limits of particle systems and microstructural disorder" (PASTIS).

My main research interests concern the role of microstructural disorder in equations of mathematical physics, and in particular the emergence of new physical effects due to disorder. In this setting, I aim at deriving effective equations and phenomenological laws of continuum physics rigorously from atomistic models, in the tradition of Hilbert's Sixth Problem. From a mathematical perspective, my research combines the analysis of partial differential equations with tools from probability theory.

See here for open postdoc positions.

Contact details
Département de Mathémathiques
ULB - Campus de la Plaine - CP 214
Boulevard du Triomphe
B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Office: NO, 7th floor, room 2NO7.105
Phone: +32 2 650 58 49
t) ulb.bemitia.duerinckx (a
t) cnrs.frmitia.duerinckx (a

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